De llunes i cráteres. Lourdes Figuera Vidal

4 - 27 February 2022

Figuera uses an unconventional working method, combining aquatint, engraving, and printing as her main techniques. The Sala dels Trinitaris in Vilafranca has been hosting the exhibition De llunes i cràters by artist Lourdes Figuera. The exhibition features around twenty prints that stem from the artist’s previous work, Un Mos de Llunes. The artist herself describes the exhibition as a unique and special showcase.


The Moon, a Central Element

The moon and nature serve as the guiding themes of the exhibition. For the artist, this satellite and its surroundings symbolize a primordial, cosmic world made of magma, craters, and fire—an essence she aims to capture in her creations. At the same time, Figuera seeks to highlight the fundamental role of the moon in our daily lives.