Om Barbarà Espanya, 1979
Om BarbaràAlone just you and life, 2013Paint, collage, spray paint and resin on canvas and paper€ 1,800.00 Excluding taxes and shipping
Om BarbaràSoul Looking to the Future, 2013Acrylic, paint, Watercolour, collage and spray paint on canvas and paper€ 1,800.00 Excluding taxes and shipping
Om BarbaràEl alma quiere ser guiada por sus sentimientos, 2014Acrylic, acrylic spray, collage on engraved background, unique piece.€ 3,000.00 Excluding taxes and shipping
Om BarbaràThe soul never dies, 2014Mixed media€ 6,000.00 Excluding taxes and shipping
Om BarbaràAlone with their feelings, 2014Acrylic, paint, Watercolour, collage and spray paint on canvas and paper€ 6,000.00 Excluding taxes and shipping
Om BarbaràObtener el equilibrio, 2015Acrylic, acrylic spray, collage on engraved background, unique piece.€ 6,000.00 Excluding taxes and shipping
Om BarbaràMad injustice world by the Soul, 2015Mixed mediaSold
Om BarbaràAbsences The Mistery of the Soul, 2015Original Artwork - mix media on etching paper background€ 3,000.00 Excluding taxes and shipping
Om BarbaràBeing in this earth..., 2015Acrylic, paint, Watercolour, collage and spray paint on canvas and paper€ 1,800.00 Excluding taxes and shipping
Om BarbaràLa cruz del alma , 2016Acrylic, acrylic spray, collage on engraved background, unique piece.€ 9,000.00 Excluding taxes and shipping
Om BarbaràSentir o pensar, esa es la cuestión , 2016Acrylic, acrylic spray, collage on engraved background, unique piece.€ 4,000.00 Excluding taxes and shipping
Om BarbaràLove culture, 2016Mixed media€ 5,000.00 Excluding taxes and shipping
Om BarbaràWaiting for a hope change, 2017Acrylic, acrylic spray, collage on engraved background, unique piece.€ 5,000.00 Excluding taxes and shipping
Om BarbaràA new sunrise, 2017Mixed Media on paper€ 2,500.00 Excluding taxes and shipping
Om BarbaràEnigmatic of the Thinking, 2017Acrylic, paint, Watercolour, collage and spray paint on canvas and paper€ 1,800.00 Excluding taxes and shipping
Om BarbaràSoul in rusty Oxidized Humanity, 2017Acrylic, Paint, Watercolour, collage and spray paint on canvas and paper€ 5,000.00 Excluding taxes and shipping
Om BarbaràS. 11 "Not a perfect world", 2019€ 200.00 Excluding taxes and shipping
Om BarbaràS. 81 "Not a perfect world", 2019Pouring Paint€ 200.00 Excluding taxes and shipping
Om BarbaràEl mediterraneo dentro del sol , 2023Acrylic, acrylic spray, collage on engraved background, unique piece.€ 4,000.00 Excluding taxes and shipping
Om BarbaràEl comienzo de todo empieza , 2023Acrylic, acrylic spray, collage on engraved background, unique piece.€ 12,000.00 Excluding taxes and shipping
Om BarbaràSentirse como un pez en el agua en esta tierra, 2024Acrylic, acrylic spray, collage on engraved background, unique piece.€ 4,000.00 Excluding taxes and shipping
Om BarbaràAzul, la profunda sensación azul, 2024Acrylic, acrylic spray, collage on engraved background, unique piece.€ 1,800.00 Excluding taxes and shipping
Om BarbaràLa tormenta real está en tu interior , 2024Acrylic, acrylic spray, collage on engraved background, unique piece.€ 6,000.00 Excluding taxes and shipping
Om BarbaràSintiendo el lado azul como una cascada, 2024Acrylic, acrylic spray, collage on engraved background, unique piece.€ 12,000.00 Excluding taxes and shipping
Om BarbaràIgual que la barca atraviesa el mar, 2024Acrylic, acrylic spray, collage on engraved background, unique piece.€ 3,000.00 Excluding taxes and shipping
Om BarbaràPata de pulo, 2024Pouring Paint€ 500.00 Excluding taxes and shipping
Om BarbaràOcean corals, 2024Pouring Paint€ 600.00 Excluding taxes and shipping
Om BarbaràVista cascada de agua, 2024Pouring Paint€ 300.00 Excluding taxes and shipping
Om BarbaràCorals en aqua, 2024Pouring Paint€ 200.00 Excluding taxes and shipping
Om BarbaràS. 9 "Sea colours in yellow", 2024Pouring Paint€ 400.00 Excluding taxes and shipping
Om BarbaràThe Soul Simply Seeks to Feel Love, 2024Acrylic, acrylic spray, collage on engraved background, unique piece.€ 2,000.00 Excluding taxes and shipping
Om BarbaràLiving thinking about life is like a fish living trapped in fishermens's net, 2024Mixed media€ 600.00 Excluding taxes and shipping
Om BarbaràThe Soul, the Son of the Sun, 2024Painting with collage, printed on an engraved background using vaseline to create a transparent effect.€ 450.00 Excluding taxes and shipping
Om BarbaràThe Soul, the Son of the Sun (light), 2024Painting with collage, printed on an engraved background using vaseline to create a transparent effect. Mounted with led light.€ 450.00 Excluding taxes and shipping
Om Barbarà és un artista català conegut per la seva pintura meditativa i el seu llibre de filosofia The Philosophy of the Soul. Com a part de la reconeguda família Barbarà, honra un llegat forjat pel seu avi, Joan Barbarà, que va col·laborar amb artistes de renom com Picasso, Matisse, Chagall i Dalí.
Les vibrants obres mixtes d’Om, com Head with Flames i The Soul Never Dies, exploren temes de consciència i ànima. Ha obtingut reconeixement internacional a través d’exposicions i fires d’art, incloent la BUSAN ART FAIR i la seva exposició individual el 2015 a la Bhavan Art Gallery de Londres, on va destacar l’atractiu universal de la seva obra. La seva filosofia essencial és: "Sap què sents, sent què penses, sent què fas."
PLEXXO Universe
4 - 8 December 2024La reconeguda artista colombiana Juliana Plexxo, actualment establerta a Barcelona, porta la seva aclamada visió a la Miami Art Week 2024 amb una exposició extraordinària a Proyecto Kufa, al vibrant...Read more -
ArtMED. Art for Marine Conservation
22 August - 22 October 2024ART MED: CREANT ONADES ART MED no és només una exposició d’art; és una poderosa crida a l’acció. Aquesta mostra reuneix les perspectives artístiques de creadors internacionals, cadascun presentant interpretacions...Read more -
16 - 17 June 2024«Arte a lo Grande» és una exposició multiartística organitzada per BLAME ME events i Studio 46 Barcelona, que reuneix quatre destacats artistes contemporanis a l’Espai Utopia, un enclavament secret al...Read more
Om BarbaràCorals en aqua, 2024Pouring Paint€ 200.00 Excluding taxes and shipping
Om BarbaràLiving thinking about life is like a fish living trapped in fishermens's net, 2024Mixed media€ 600.00 Excluding taxes and shipping
Om BarbaràOcean corals, 2024Pouring Paint€ 600.00 Excluding taxes and shipping
Om BarbaràPata de pulo, 2024Pouring Paint€ 500.00 Excluding taxes and shipping
Om BarbaràS. 9 "Sea colours in yellow", 2024Pouring Paint€ 400.00 Excluding taxes and shipping
Om BarbaràSintiendo el lado azul como una cascada, 2024Acrylic, acrylic spray, collage on engraved background, unique piece.€ 12,000.00 Excluding taxes and shipping
Om BarbaràVista cascada de agua, 2024Pouring Paint€ 300.00 Excluding taxes and shipping
Om BarbaràEl mediterraneo dentro del sol , 2023Acrylic, acrylic spray, collage on engraved background, unique piece.€ 4,000.00 Excluding taxes and shipping
Om BarbaràS. 11 "Not a perfect world", 2019€ 200.00 Excluding taxes and shipping
Om BarbaràS. 81 "Not a perfect world", 2019Pouring Paint€ 200.00 Excluding taxes and shipping
Om BarbaràEnigmatic of the Thinking, 2017Acrylic, paint, Watercolour, collage and spray paint on canvas and paper€ 1,800.00 Excluding taxes and shipping
Om BarbaràSoul in rusty Oxidized Humanity, 2017Acrylic, Paint, Watercolour, collage and spray paint on canvas and paper€ 5,000.00 Excluding taxes and shipping
Om BarbaràLove culture, 2016Mixed media€ 5,000.00 Excluding taxes and shipping
Om BarbaràAbsences The Mistery of the Soul, 2015Original Artwork - mix media on etching paper background€ 3,000.00 Excluding taxes and shipping
Om BarbaràBeing in this earth..., 2015Acrylic, paint, Watercolour, collage and spray paint on canvas and paper€ 1,800.00 Excluding taxes and shipping
Om BarbaràMad injustice world by the Soul, 2015Mixed mediaSold
Om BarbaràAlone with their feelings, 2014Acrylic, paint, Watercolour, collage and spray paint on canvas and paper€ 6,000.00 Excluding taxes and shipping
Om BarbaràThe soul never dies, 2014Mixed media€ 6,000.00 Excluding taxes and shipping
Om BarbaràAlone just you and life, 2013Paint, collage, spray paint and resin on canvas and paper€ 1,800.00 Excluding taxes and shipping
Om BarbaràSoul Looking to the Future, 2013Acrylic, paint, Watercolour, collage and spray paint on canvas and paper€ 1,800.00 Excluding taxes and shipping